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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.
Mr. Spenser tells Marriott that he had subscribed a small amount of money to Bishop Chase's fund, but he neglected to include his own name on the letter. For that reason, Spenser does not appear on Bishop Chase's list of donors.
Althorp, England
George Spencer, G. W. Marriott, Bp. Chase, England Voyage, Donation
Recommended Citation
Spenser, George, "Letter to George Mariott" (1824). Philander Chase Letters. 334.

My Dear Sir
I am very much obliged to you for your kindness in sending me an account of good Bishop Chase’s progress. His project I confess myself very friendly to; for none of the objections I have heard made against it, are sufficient in my mind to shake the opinion I formed at first of its being positively of a good tendency; & that is or ought to be enough to persuade any one to support it. At the same time I cannot but think the success of it doubtful; & therefore many things of the like nature have a much prior claim on my affection. Whatever may be thought of the project, I think there can be but one opinion of the man who is come to advocate it, & I hope never to forget the two evenings I spent with him at Stow, which I reckon among the most interesting in my life. A more primitive exalted Christian character I never saw, & unless one’s judgment sadly deceive one, I should think, does not exist. In the list of subscriptions my name does not appear. I subscribed my mite, as I think it right to tell you, in justice to my sincerity, but I did not send my name with it; not from studied concealment; for had I known that all my friends would have appeared in the list, I probably might. But it matters not. I shall be most happy to add my two shillings for the Communion Plate.
I am my Dear Sir
Your’s very truly
George Spenser
Althorp May 31 1824