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Wiggin is strongly discouraging Chase from pursuing initiatives in New York and Connecticut and instead Wiggin suggests focusing only on Ohio for the Seminary. Wiggin does not think Chase will get the same support for a divided effort.
Manchester, England
England voyage, Lord Bexley, George Marriott, Lord Kenyon, Dr. Gaskin, Bp. Hobart, Bp. White, Bp. Brownel, British Critic, Notices, Christian Observer, Lord Gambier, Bartlett's Building Society, Reverend Wheaton, Josiah Pratt, Ohio, college
Recommended Citation
Wiggin, Timothy, "Letter to Philander Chase" (1824). Philander Chase Letters. 306.
Platt Hall April 12 1824
My Dear Friend
I have received your two favors of the 9th and 10th and have perused them with much intent. It is truly gratifying to me to learn that your cause is acquiring strength by the addition of powerful companions, and I hope much from such persons as Lord Kenyon. The good Bishop of Coventry, Lord Bexley [?] above all (except your first friends in London) from Mr. Marriott. That this gentleman is your sincere friend, and a well wishes to the cause of Ohio I have not the smallest doubt and I firmly believe that [without] this Gentleman, Lord Kenyon or Dr. [Jenkins] would knowingly have any connection with transactions not [?] by the strictest propensity and the most Christian like spirit. I should not look at their measures with suspicion or receive their advice with distrust, but I should at all times use great caution in [examining] the measures projected by the Bishop Hobart. I think you have great reason for so doing for his feelings were for his feelings were unfriendly to your plans when he first made known his sentiments respecting them, in his letter, to you, published in New York. In that he wrote that his object in going abroad was with a [view] to the improvement of his health, and with that view only but as his appearance in England, at the same time with you, might lead to the [supposition] that the object of your voyage was approved by him, he was constrained to forego the pleasure of your company. He further wrote that Bishop [White] [?] & Brownell disapproved of your intended [application] to England that in their opinion he cordially [emitted],and that it might become his duty to take some pains to prevent the impression that your [proceedings] were approved by them. That [cause] did he [?] immediately after his arrival here. He published notices, which he distributed generally, tending to to render your application unsuccessful, and subsequently caused an article to appear in the British [Critics] with a view to [prejudice] people against yourself and the cause you represented. To what could you ascribe Mr. Norris’ rude treatment, but to Bishop Hobart [?] hence. Here we have evidence of his unfriendly feelings. He further [?] that it might become necessary for him to present the paramount claims of [General] Seminary. Here I would ask what circumstances could render such an act necessary? An unsuccessful opposition to you, most [?] by. He must then have intended that measure as one likely to [frustrate] your plans, and not for the purpose of [relieving] the wants of the General Seminary, for if the latter should have been his object, why should he have declared his only object to be the recovery of his health notwithstanding his opposition your appeal made its appearance and after it was perceived that it excited some interest, what did he do? He caused a note to be inserted in the Christian Observer stating that a subscription in favor of the General Seminary was opened at [Rivington], and caused the publication, & a very general distribution of anonymous publication tending to create opposition to the applications your friends were making for Ohio, and to prevent subscription. You will [recollect] my Dear Sir all these things and it must have been gratifying to you to find that your cause was making its way notwithstanding all these obstacles, and that subscriptions were in successful operation. He threatened all this before he left America, and when did he manifest a disposition to alter his course? Not till after such subscriptions had been made and left little to no doubt of your ultimate success, and when he had no alternative to defeat your plans. His next plan appeared, to me, to be to himself from disgrace. He proposed an adjustment of the difficulties and you [?] to his wishes and gave him an opportunity to escape, but how did he view this [conception] of yours and what did he endeavour to make of it. Instead of [forthcoming] his application for the General Seminary to some future time (as stipulated) he [?] the cause of New York with that of Connecticut with a view of asking for contributions, in money, for the institution in these places, at the same time these applications [?] be made for Ohio. [Will] it be believed that this plan was adopted with a view to promote the General interests of the Church in America or that it was intended to defeat [yours]
If the wants of the General Seminary had been such as to warrant an application here for [assistance] would Bishop Hobart [as] once stated in his letter to you, that there was a sentiment of [national] pride, that rendered [many] averse to the American Church lowering [herself] to the [?]ating attitude of a supplicant for foreign [bounty]? Why should he have discovered these wants here, and have found out a method of supplicating for [bounty], which it would be [?] to adopt, and more especially for one of the highest officers in the Church. I can only account for it by believing that he has been uniformly endeavoring to prevent your success [?] Bishop Hobart [&] Brownell had avowed in America that they intended to apply for [money] in this country to aid their views, I believe their plans would have [?] very little disapprobation. I would now advise you to state your [reading] to [cut] up to the agreement which you signed, whether he has put his signature to it or not but I would procure such evidence of his nonfulfillment of that agreement as will prevent his using [it] [?] some particular purpose, at a future time. He [?] agreement, with your signature, and he may [?] own, when it is likely to [?] his private views, then publish it, as if it had been duly executed - you have been told that you can never enjoy his friendship, and that I firmly believe; all you can hope for then is to escape his [enmity]: I hope this may be accomplished by acting as you have hitherto done with the greatest [fairness] and honesty. I believe with you that the honest & upright will act together and that a blessing will attend them. I will now dismiss Bishop Hobart this plans and attend to what is of infinitely greater importance than an individual, namely the [extension] and efficiency of the Church in America. Knowing, as I do, that you do not wish to endanger its [Unity] or Harmony, you will show a willingness to do everything in your power to satisfy Dr. Gaskin to [this] or these points and I hope they will be willing to act , as Bishop Hobart agreed, in the minute of agreement, and [consent] to a postponement of their plan of presenting the wants of [?] & [?] for the present lest it should prevent subscriptions all together. Dr. Gaskin, Lord Kenyon, & other friends who are well known as men of influence in the Bartlett buildings Society will give you witten [?tions] and permit you to publish them in your new [circular] I would not have it to contain any allusion whatever to the New York and Connecticut Institutions. The Americans, and Clergy here with whom I have conversed join me in opinion that no cause, but that of Ohio, would be supported here. I do not think it necessary to issue the new circular at present, but you may [simply] wait on the influence of new friends and to try your success in town. In the mean time Mr. Wheaton can try his scheme, if he should think proper, but I think he will soon me discouraged by a want of encouragement.
The advice of Lord Gambier, Mr. Pratt, Lord Kenyon, Mr. Marriott, and Dr. Gaskin, is deserving of your attention, and ought to have much greater weight with you than mine. We have all the same object in view and that is to adopt such measures as are likely to give the most effectual aid to the piscopal Church in America, and I think that support afforded now, to Ohio, will tend more to the advancement in America generally than a divided [Initiative]. More means would un doubtable be useful in New York and Connecticut, but as we have not means for everything, we must do all the good we can, and as perhaps more money will no be subscribed, within the present year, than will be absolutely wanted to establish the Seminary in Ohio, with anything like a fair prospect of success, ought we to adopt [?] that would cause in division of the funds. With the best wishes of all here I remain—
Dear Sir most faithfully yours
T. Wiggin