
Philander Chase



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Response to Marriott's letter of the tenth and reiteration of the pledges that Chase has procurred. Chase will do everything he can to come to an agreement with Bishop Hobart.




Hull, England


England voyage, Bp. Hobart


Hull 23 of Feb. 1824

To G. W. Marriott, Esq.

Very dear Sir,

While at Leeds I had the honour of receiving a letter from you dated Queens Square London 10 Feb. 1824. To this I replied in a letter dated the 12th of the same month: in which I stated the plan hitherto [pursued] and the pledges already given, in the matter of the fund now raising for the benefit of the Diocese of Ohio, N. America.

As this plan and these pledges fully come up to what you had the goodness to state as “the main object of Bishop Hobart [?] the preservation of Unity and the prevention of schism and discursion at present and in future in the American Church” - and afford as it is conceived all what you state to be to satisfactory to Bishop Hobart “absolute and indisputable security for the religious doctrines and disciplines which shall be inculcated and informed in the proposed Seminary for Ohio,” I was of the opinion that all other matters and propositions in your good letter might, without apology, be passed over in silence.

If, however, it should be thought otherwise I can freely assure you of my sincere desire to do every thing that I can consistently with my sense of duty to come to a full agreement and accommodation. Being purposed by God’s grace to act with deliberation and after consulting those friends who have taken the cause of Ohio in hand to do what my conscience dictates [upon the best and surest foundations and finally promote the peace and prosperity of God’s Church.]

I hope you will pardon any appearance of delay as not arising from motives of disrespect or others.

With sincere prayers that the Great Head of the Church will overrule all things for her good thro’ the influence of His Blessed Spirit I am

Respected and Dear Sir

Your faithful and

Most obedience Servt and


Phil. Chase

Bishop of Ohio

Letter to George Mariott



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