
George Chase



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His parents are doing well in Ohio and hints at an addition to the family. He talks about Cyrus' trade partners and mercantile business and how Dudley is growing up. He also promises to send Philander Chase Jr. money.




Dudley, Welman, Ruford, George Chase, Catharine


Randolph January. 12. 1818.

My Dear Brother

I am [at present] much hurried with business, but I can not refrain from writing a few words to you, since you seem by your last letter to my Uncle so anxious to hear from us. Uncle Dudley has been gone this long time on his Circuit -- He returned from Burlington and staid [sic] a day or two with us, when he again departed for Middlebury. He told me to write to you and when any money was collected for him in the office that could be spared to send it to you. I am happy now to be able to oblige you, hoping that you have suffered no inconvenience from the delay -- I have lately had two long excellent and truly gratifying letters from the Garden of Eden Ohio. Mr Ruford has returned and brings the best of news concerning our beloved parents. My father and mother say they were never so happy in their lives and Mr. Ruford hinted that we were likely to have [an] addition to our family. This must surely be another source of comfort. The society in that neighborhood Mr R informs me is better than could be expected. The people are principally [Yankeys] -- and their distant removal seems to have [inferred] into them the spirit of hospitality. Cyrus has again gone into mercantile business and has [belon] a Partner in trade with a Mr Delano of Columbus. You have probably heard that Mr Welman of N. Orleans has failed and with him all over expectations of money for Catharine’s education and for salary yet due from the parish in that [place] are dashed to the earth. I am sorry on my Father’s account as it will prevent many expected improvements on his farm. Dudley they say “grows and [wayeth] strong” and a great portion of my mother’s letters is filled with a description of the interesting little fellow. As it respects this portion of the [Frozen][Zone], (for there is certainly a mistake in the latitude as laid down on out charts) not the least alteration has taken place. We live almost literally like bears [posen] in their den. There is however some satisfaction in a clear forty day -- when the mountains at a distance lift [?] heads to meet the beams of the sun, to [?] over our hills in that most expeditions of all [?], a sleigh. But nevertheless I have willed [?] in a Southern climate -- our friends and relations in this land, are as kind, as affectionate, as well, in as good circumstances, as ever. The last sentence includes everything. I shall send to Boston soon for some new books. I beg of you to inform me as soon as convenient what [odes] have lately appeared that you would reccommend [sic] me to purchase. Aunt Olivia and all our family desire to be affectionately remembered.

Yours ever,

Geo. Chase

Letter to Philander Chase



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