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Roe encourages Chase to visit his native land, Ireland. He would meet first the Primate and Archbishop of Dublin, which will secure him general attention.
Kilkenny, Ireland
England voyage, William Sparrow, Ireland
Recommended Citation
Roe, Rev. Peter, "Letter to Philander Chase" (1824). Philander Chase Letters. 244.

Feb 2. 1824
Revd Sir,
Before I was apprised by the public prints of your arrival in England I received intimation of it by a letter which you were so kind as to forward to me from my nephew William Sparrow, who has written in the kindest terms about yourself and the truly important object you are anxious to accomplish. If I can render you any service during your stay in these countries I shall most gladly do it. I hope you purpose to visit Ireland. We have here an hierarchy able, and I should hope willing to assist you - and it would be of consequence to bring your object fairly and fully before them. Two or three English Bishops could at once secure for you a prosperous entrance into my native land - and there is every expectation that the exceeding interest which is felt here in the propagation of divine truth would operate powerfully in your favour - and certainly the cause you have in hand ought to be promptly and efficiently assisted. - It would afflict me great pleasure to see you under my roof and I hope if you come to Ireland (which I strongly recommend) you will permit me to enjoy that gratification. Kilkenny is a very central city - as the Mail Coach [road] from Dublin to Cork and near several Bishop’s sees. - Your first introductions should be to the Primate and Archbishop of Dublin. Their sanction would at once secure for you general attention. You will [?] this first.
With every wish for the success of your [executions[ - and that you may be made [universally] instrumental in laying a firmament foundation for the future spread of peace and [?] religion in America I have the honor to be
Your faithful servant
Peter Roe
Should you have occasion to write, which I hope you will please to direct
Revd Peter Roe