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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.
Wiggin expresses his full support for Chase's cause and suggests that introductory letters from Sir Thomas Baring or Lord Gambier could be very influential in the future.
England, Manchester, Lord Gambier, Sir Thomas Baring, Platt Hall, church
Recommended Citation
Wiggin, Timothy, "Letter to Philander Chase" (1823). Philander Chase Letters. 237.

Manchester December 22 1823
My Dear Friend
I have read your favour of the 20th with great pleasure, and believe your cause is now in as good a [?] as it is in your power to place it in and and [sic] I most heartily wish it success. I fully approve of the plan of taking no further notice of Bishop Hobart, and of pursuing yours in that quiet wise and religious manner which no one can object to and which most will approve. I think this course will also be attended with the greatest success in the end, and will always leave you to reflect upon your proceedings without the smallest pain. If the peace of the Church in this country or America should be disturbed it will be [?] to no fault of yours and I think every candid person who may become acquainted with the facts will see in your conduct [an] uniform desire to avoid a schism, and to extend [the] influence of that church. As but little remains to be done in town at present I think you had better come to us as soon as you can with convenience and if you could get some letters of introduction to some pious people who have influence in the country it would be of great service I am in hopes to interest our Warden in your cause. He is now in Manchester and intends to remain here for some time. I hope you will be introduced to Sir Thomas Baring before you leave town, and if you could get a few introductory letters from him or Lord Gambier, it would give you a power and influence which other individuals could not. Lord Gambier is placed on an eminence and is look up to with great respect by many of our most pious people Sir Thomas is less known, but has his admirers I can only add that my influence and exertions shall be employed in your service and I have to regret that they cannot be made of greater use to you I have some friends in Liverpool but they are Commercial friends and similar in that respect to those I have in London. They are highly respectable and people of wealth, but might not be disposed to do more than [show] you civilities. I am fully of the opinion that you ought to be in town when parliament shall assemble but instill then I think you may pass your time more pleasantly and quite as usefully in the Country and therefore hope we shall soon see you. Mr [?] in his letter to Mr [Johnson] expressed a wish that a private subscription might be opened for you and I hope what has been done since [?] not have changed his mind. Perhaps may be worthwhile to call on him your way to Platt Hall. It will be an easier journey for you to stop a night on the road. I have not seen Mr Johnson or Dr Smith for some time, but intend to call on them when I have leisure I can now inform them of the course you have taken and the one you intend to pursue. I think they cannot disapprove of it. We remain as usual at Platt. Our Domestic School has broken up and the Christmas Holidays have commenced and you know this is a happy season for young folks. Ours will be most happy to see you, as well as your sincere friend.
T. Wiggin