
Philander Chase



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Philander Chase disucsses family affairs and the future of the Church in Illinois.




Philander Chase, Rachel Denison, Chase family, Mary Chase, Mary Chase Chamberlain, Sheril Chamberlain, Jehovah Jireh, crescends eundo, health, sickness, illness, medicine, camphor, alcohol


Jubilee College Ash Weday 1848

To my dear Brother Dr. Denison

My dear Sister Rachel; &

My dear Niece Miss Rachel Denison:

Very Dear Relatives

This day I r’d your joint letter containing the joyful news of the recovery of so many of your dear family--from calamity and sickness--I bless God that He who afflicts us for our benefit thinks also of mercy: not the least instance of which I deem that of his graciously inclining your hearts to conform to his will. How it cheered me to learn that you have a good and faithful minister of Jesus Christ to go in and out among you and to exhort you to good work!

Dear Sister! Did not Abraham know Lazarus? How then can you wish for further information on the subject of good peoples knowing each other in another world? The moment I open my eyes in another world I shall recognize all that I have known here on Earth. “My eyes shall then behold” by Saviour and all that belong to him. As they’ll know me so I shall I know them. I do not wonder at your pains and anxious feelings for I feel them all. Last night I arose and wrote 3 long letters and then went to bed again rising this morning with a stiff neck which I cured by an application of camphor and alcohol. At 11 we all went to Church. Mary’s Husband the Rev Mr Chamberlain read prayers - myself the [ante] Com’n - & Dudley preached an excellent heart stirring sermon.

My dear Wife whom you mention with so much kindness is now my by side reading as accustomed which I fear she will soon have to relinquish by reason of weak eyes. My own don’t yet fail with good glasses for which mercy I can not be too thankful.

By this post you will have sent you something which may serve to satisfy you what all good people must think of the wolf with little wool on.” I am glad that my dear Son Dudley has treated this disturber of the Church’s peace with christian forbearance.

We had concluded to say nothing of the injury done the Bp and Convention of Illinois till next june when the Diocesan Convention will meet in Jacksonville. But the publication in the Baltimore paper altered the case. It is not right to see insult added to injury -- and permanency given to falsehoods.

By the same mail which brought your letter came one from my dear Grand Daughter Laura. Mrs Smith residing now in Sheboygan. She has now two lovely children and promises to pay us a visit next summer. This visit will be greatly facilitated by the opening of the Canal connecting Lake Michigan with Illinois River. The Visit of another grand Daughter is expected to take place at the same time here on Jubilee Hill. Dear Mary Ohio -- my first Philander’s Child has promised to accompany her Mother & Father Mr Intrepid Morse to see me. Can you hear this and not wonder at the goodness! -- and I would add Mercy of the Good God to one so unworthy as myself?

Mary’s little son was baptized on the 27th of Feb -- named Sheril after his father. He is a fine boy and gives but little trouble to his parents or friends. What his Father & Mother will do for a living I know not. A pang passes through my heart, at times, that I have given to others what belongs or should belong to my Children.

But then I think of what I said to the Bishop of Durham when he accused me of “denying the faith and becoming worse than infidel” by “not providing from my own household.” “Jehovah Jireh God will provide; and that is better security than the Bank of Eng’d” !

Another motto will appear some two or three weeks hence perhaps not till Easter -- but you shall have it -- “It grows in going ahead” which is the expression of my little page Crescends eundo God grand it favour in the eyes of my dear brethren for Christs sake.

One thing is plain, by the motto made certain that by the grace of God I can stand on my own ground, and hold the [centre] in my own hands. May it always be wielded in truth & righteousness and the Lord always glorified.

I will not apologise for this letter for is[sic] better than people commonly write at 72 years of age

I am always & truly & affectionately Yours

Philander Chase

Letter to Denison Family



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