
Josiah Allport



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Josiah Allport has sent Philander Chase a collection of books for the Jubilee College Library.




Joshiah Allport, Philander Chase, Walter Farquhar, Expositio ad Colossenses, publishing, library, books, England



Sept 3, 1846

Right Rev’d & dear Sir

I have to acknowledge the receipt of your last month’s letter & also your address to your Convention, & a few days after the Report on the Education of Slaves &c. This letter I have not yet been able to peruse, it only came in yesterday; but I thank you most truly for both. As to your acknowledgement of the sum sent thro’ Sir Walter Farquhar- I feel thankful indeed that in the good Providence of God I should have been made the honoured Instrument of conveying such opportune assistance to you in and of his Cause-- It is altogether of God’s mercy goodness & abounding grace & to humble all the praise. Would that I could in all due humility appreciate & be grateful as I ought for such favour & honour shewn to & put upon me! & would to God that I could [ask] you still further; but I doubt of it now. Since I made up that 80 (5) thro’ Sir Walter Farquhar I have rec’d £6.19 which I have sent to Dr Ramsey to be added to his fund for supply you with a Printing Press. I thought it the best mode of appreciating such a small sum which was not worth taking a more formal mode of transmitting. I was glad to hear form the Dr in return that he was progressing admirably on the object he has in hand.

I have sent your last letter up to Sir Walter to let him see that the part he has taken is clearly known to & duly estimated by you. I shall lend about the Pamphlets & make them as useful as I can & as opportunity may serve.

I have now the gratification of sending you a few Books for your College Library. The Exposition on the Coloss in Latin is from a good Brother with Ministry who would do more if he could--she said the Vol w’d be more useful to Students in your College than to him. I have added a Copy of Davenant’s other great work because the original work [in] translation may aid the more scholastic studies of some of the young men who will be trained I trust for the Church & usefulness The work of Hooker is sent by the Son of my dear Friend Mr Mendham that bold indefatigatible[sic] & noble Champion for the Protestant faith & our dear Church who up to his 70 year has never received one acknowledg’t from our Bishops or others as a reward for his sacrifices & his costly labours on the Church’s cause.

I forget whether I sent you two Copies of my first Vol on Justification or not. If I did you ought to have two now; but pray let me know as soon as you rec’e this & I will send another Vol II if so to make the sets equal. I have made every correction on the present Vol.

And now let me (I have but a few moments more I can spare just now) express my thanks to heaven & the gratification I feel to know that your valuable life to Illinois & Jubilee College is still spared & your mental [faculties] preserved in rigor to enable you to pursue your objects for the settlement of our institution there on a good & permanent [Cause]

May you be spared dear Sir & enabled to see all your plans carried out the work of the Lord prospering & success & peace attending & blessing your Zion! I am

faithfully & affectionately

Yours in our common head tho’ most unworthy

Josiah Allport

Letter to Philander Chase



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