
Philander Chase



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Dudley and Sarah Chase have arrived at Jubilee. Although both of them were sick on their journey, their son (who they have named Alexander Wells) did well, and a large group gathered to meet them.




Dudley Chase, Sarah Chase, Alexander Wells Chase, illness, Samuel Chase, March Chase, Henry Chase, Susan Chase, Mr. Bennet, Janette Bennet, Henry Bennet, Philander Chase Jr., Anna Chase, Agnis Ingraham, Duncan Ingraham, Ruth Chase, Miss Hall, Miss Worthington


13 of Nov. 1843 Jubilee Monday night 10 o’clock

My Dear Laura.

Since writing the inclosed Dudley and his wife and little boy have indeed arrived here on the Hill. Sarah suffered much from a cold while on the Ohio River and Dudley had a week sickness in St. Louis. The little boy whom they mean to call Alexander Wells stood stood [sic] it bravely. He is indeed a fine looking child, and may one day be a Bishop.

They came about noon and this af[ter]noon, quite a party were gathered to [wel]come them. - [?]

Sam’l & his wife Sarah and his son March [?] 8 ½ m

Henry and his wife Susan & their son Dudley 1 year : 2 m -

Mr Bennet & his wife Janette & his son Henry [8] weeks

Dudley & his wife Sarah & his son Alex’r Wells 7 weeks

Philander & his wife Anna - no child

Bishop Chase & his Wife Sophia - Agnis Ingraham 12 years Duncan Ingraham 4 years

Betsey & Adelaide, Amy, Margaret, and little Hannah 5 years old an Orphan child


Miss Hall

Miss [Bighards]

Miss Worthington

Miss Sophia Chase

“ Ruth Chase

All these & the above besides men servants and callers in -

Surely you will say we had a numerous & [merry] company

Letter to Laura Chase



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