
Dudley Chase



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Dudley, who has been in Randolph since late August, writes to his brother Philander hoping to settle some confusion regarding unpaid taxes on a plot of land in Michigan which Dudley deeded to Philander.




Philander Chase, Royalton, Randolph, Michigan, Detroit, Simeon, Mr. Cotton, Mrs. Cotton, Bethel, Asa Smith, John Marshall, finances, taxes


Randolph Dec’m 15th 1840

My Dearest Brother

Since we parted at Royalton on 24th August last, I have remain’d very constantly at home in Randolph, incapable of much, either in that word, or deed. Your letters of Sep’t 2nd & 26th; Oct 19th & 29th, dated from [Barton], [Gary], Detroit, & Robins Nest have all been duly rec’d and afforded us all that happiness, which news of the health & prosperity of so dear friends could alone give. Brother Simeon & his wife & Mr & Mrs Cotton, are fast passing off the Stage and our other Bethel Friends are keeping pace, and looking on, as may easily be be[sic] immagined[sic]. Asa Smith, about the time you left us, had the misfortune to split open his knee, [par] & joint; and has been very lame with the dreadful wound ever since. He is now, slowly, recovering, and in some hope of regaining a partial use of his wounded leg.

I find by referring to papers in my possession, that in August last I gave you a deed of 400 acres of land in Michegan[sic] & that you paid me $28.75, being one half of the Taxes, imposed by the State in the year 1838, including costs & charges on 800 acres of Land, of which s’d 400 acres was a part. I find the receipt of State Treasurer dated 25th June 1840 for 40.33 for taxes charges & Interest for the year 1838 on 400 acres of land, and which is that part of s’d 800 acres not conveyed to you. I also find by my papers that I relied on the assurance of John Marshall of Royalton who took out the original duplicate that he had paid the taxes on the 400 acres which I deeded to you, with the costs charges & Interest [therein], amounting to $1418, & had caused the same to be entered on the [Andeton] Ba[nk], in Detroit. I was led to put trust in Marshalls statement of his paying s’d taxes, from the s’d Treasurer’s receipt [?] which discribed [sic] the 400 acres on which s’d $40.33 was paid as taxes charges & Interest, as land on which taxes were then due; and said nothing about the 400 acres which I afterwards deeded to you. Now, Dear Brother as you have been to Detroit, and have probably attended to the payment of the Taxes due the State of Michigan in the year 1839, on your s’d 400 acres, you paid [attention] [then] to the taxes imposed in 1938 and ascertained if they were all paid as I had assured you and as Marshal had assured me as I have stated above. I will thank you very much, dear Brother, if you will inform me how you found this [bearing] at Detroit; as should my present view of the [bearings], [be] [clear] [?], I [must] be finding some way to [convey] the taxes due in 1839 on my 400 acres to Treas’y of Michigan. And should the taxes [etc.] due on the 400 acres I deeded to you, not have been paid by Marshall I may be taking early means to satisfy you or the Treasurer of Michigan as the case [?] require?

Letter to Philander Chase



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