
Philander Chase



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Philander Chase thanks his brother for his letter and updates him on parts of the General Convention: there will be a new Diocese in Arkansas, which seems to cause Chase some amusement.




Philander Chase, Dudley Chase, General Convention


Phila 13th Sep’t 1838

Dear Very dear Brother; I was made very happy a few minutes ago by rec’g your kind letter of the 9. in ans’r to mine of the 4th [instance].

Ten thousand thanks to you for your kind expressions of continued love and good will.

Sorry I am that you sh’d be pressed in any way to give you the least uneasiness. May the Good God give ease and elbow room now in your old age to more whither so ever you will. You have been too mindful of others welfare, I fear, to allow you the enjoyment of comforts of traveling which are necessary to husband out life’s taper to the close and keep the flame from wasting by repose.

This is parting the [pact’s] words you will say, to a purpose for which they never were intended. Well, be it so. I pass on to another topic. The gratitude due to the divine Goodness for sending us a gracious rain. Never was there a dryer time here in Pen’a than two days ago. All day yesterday & part of last night it rained profusely, & steadily; everything now is refreshed.

I have been since I wrote you quite unwell, by a fever but now am quite recovered. And today have attended to my duty in the House of Bps where all things go on charmingly. The Diocese of N.York is divided, but who will be the Bp. of the New Western Diocese no one can tell as far as I know. D. Hawks the historian is spoken-- A new Miss’y Bp. for Arkensaw[sic] will be appointed with jurisdiction in the South West and westward up the 35 ½° of N Latitude! What think you of this? Don’t laugh! The Bishop not as yes designated but you will know in a few days.

Bp. Kemper wears well he has been every where and more! May God bless his steps & his speed.

I think I shall go to N. York to get some things and notions but can tarry only a few hours when I shall return & go on to the west and far-- far west: but nothing can carry my heart from the best of Brothers.

Love to all that ask after me and especially to my dear “blood relations” whom I love now better than ever

Yours forever


Letter to Dudley Chase



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