Letter to Philander Chase
Feb 16. 1838
My dear Uncle
I have written to the Rev’d Geo. Burgess declining the offer of pecuniary assistance which I mentioned to you was made through him to me by a Society of Epis’l Ladies in Hartford. My reasons for doing so were briefly these
I felt averse to be considered the charity scholar of any Society especially when as such I would be considered as virtually obligated to enter the ministry, in which matter I wish to be guided by the dictates of conscience alone
But then the questions arises how shall I continue my studies at the east? Remembering the many expressions of your willingness to assist me, I venture to make the following proposition, That you will grant me a Loan of $200,00 per annum for three years and allow me three years after the last sum to return the whole amount without interest
I will consider a great favour if you can do this for me consistantly[sic] with the many calls your domestic affairs make upon your purse but would not have you do so unless perfectly convenient for if I do not return to the last I can do my will bt turning my attention to farming, for which good opportunities are offered here.
All at the Robinsnest are well. Father & Mother with Henry to drive have gone this bitter cold day to visit some suffering neighbours and have left me here to keep the study room which is so comfortable that I have to place my chair close to the fire and have my ink on the stove and paper on my lap and overcoat on my back to indite this my dear Uncle that it may find you and yours in the enjoyment of Good health and every other blessing
is the sincere wish of your affectionate Nephew
Dudley Chase
Dudle Chase Jr. writes his uncle, once again asking for a loan as he has declined the offer from the Society of Episcopal Ladies to fund his college tuition so long as he joins the ministry after graduating.