
Dudley Chase



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Dudley updates George on the family's well being. All are health and happy, except of Asenath Flint, who's baby son is having fits. Dudley and George's mother share a concern for George in the city, and asks him to check if his cousin George is doing alright with this guardian.




Randolph, VT


Randolph VT, New York City, George Chase, Dudley Chase, Asenath Flint


Randolph April 13th 1817

My dear George,

Since I came I home I have been very busily engaged in Office-business, farming concerns, receiving visits, telling stories and answering questions. — I have scarce has a single morning to donate to letter-writing, except in case of business of the most pressing necessity. In all these affairs I have [used] the utmost dispatch, & [bro’t] about & finished a world of things. Yet hurry & trouble increased upon me, and these appear no end to the fash of this world. I live in hopes, notwithstanding that in a month or two i shall get thes’ with with the storm that at present thickens around me, and all will be clear again.

Our family affairs are all in a good train; health and contentment, have their abode among us with a little & as few interruptions as to be expected. Your dear Aunt and her sister Mrs. Blodget living together under the same roof, you know cannot be be [otherwise] than contented; And if the thus little bairns, Olivia Solomon & and the wee unchristen’d thing are but well & playful, they are seen to be happy. Mary is ever cheerful & good notioned, But you & canty, Olivia [Brown] pleasant & [abridging] Caroline as commander in Chief kind affectionate & wide awake. George superintends the [?] affairs & is a good & faithful manager. Thus you see that the organization of our house is in the usual & customary form; and you may infer with propriety, that ordinary comfort and felicity are ours.

Your letter of 3rd unit is rec’d and gace in much pleasure. The quotation from your hon’d mother’s letter, is excellent in deed, and ought, by no means to be considered as too distrustful of your strength, or our solicitous for your wellfare. It is ever dangerous to fall too strong. The consequence is often a surprize from an enemy dos[aired, or a conflict with a fae too mighty in the struggle. Despise not the kind warning and excellent caution. But receive it as a needful ‘tepon to guard you from these days which ever wait on the Steps of the inexperienced when left to [thunder] in a large populous & vicious City. — It will not be of great importance have you elude the question, between New-York and Barton, in learning your french, Obtain from Shelander the state condition & members of the family into which he wishes you to enter, and the [Tenns], for you must always look to the main chance. Thus in time enough to consider on the question. Your cousin George begins to suspect his quondam friends? I hope he may not have too much [venom] to repent his choice of Guardian.

Your Relation at Bethel are all [well]. Uncle Durkee is about [increasing] on to the farm where [Clicho] Brown lived. Mr. Brown goes the week to the Westward.

We have lately rec’d letter from [Addison], dated Caton, Ohio, as late as the 1st March, written apparently in fine spirits, good style, and replete with the best sentiments. His carriage and resolution are excellent & he is yet confident of success [B’long]. Also has written [?] dated Washington [Mississippi] Secretary March 17th. He says he is well and is in the practice of Physics!!

Your cousin Asenath Flint, is unhappy in the health of her little boy, it is suspect to severe fits, of which he has many in a day.

All send love to you. Your Aunty says she will write you before long.

Yours most affectionately,

Dudley Chase

Letter to George Chase



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