
Creation Year
Image ID
DH: Delphi
The gymnasium, where athletes trained for the Pythian Games. Visible here is the bath complex and wrestling area, and the circular structure towards the left is a plunge pool, the largest of the baths.
A view of the gymnasium, where athletes trained for the Pythian Games. The site dates from the 4th century BCE, but was rebuilt and expanded by the Romans. The complex is built on multiple levels, multiple tracks dug out of the hillside. On the highest level, a xystos (ξυστός), or covered track, allowed training in all seasons and weather. An open air track ran parallel, and below them sat a series of cold baths and a Palaestra (παλαίστρα), or wrestling area enclosed in a peristyle court. The circular structure towards the left of the image is the largest of these baths, with the Palaestra to the right. The tracks above it were not visible when the photograph was taken, but have since been excavated.
Image Notes
Creation date unknown. Photograph processed July 1978. Notes written on the slide or index: Delphi - Gymnasium.
Image Format
35 mm slide
Geographic Reference
Delfoi, Greece
Full View, Afar, Gymnasium, Pool, Stone, Masonry, Polygonal, Retaining Wall, Trees, People, Fourth Century BC, Classical Period, Ancient Gymnasium at Delphi