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Referring a man for a position in the New York state government.




letter, McIlvaine, Bedell


Mr Chase

My dear friend,

You will confer a favor on me & do a great kindness to a very worthy gentleman in whom I am much interested, if, when the Collector of Taxes, under the Govt. in New York, [while] he appointed, you will kindly lay before him the name of Edwd. [?] [?] Esq. residing in Brooklyn, Cleveland St. No. 24th, as a person who is, in all respects, most worthy of any trust in that line of work, & so needy, with a large family now destitute, & really sustained by friends of [name], that he would be most thankful for employment.

He is a gentleman of education & the highest integrity; of devotion to his business which he has any, & of most acceptable manners. He had an honorable place in the N.Y. Custom House, under the late administration, which he obtained not because of any political [?], but because he married into a Pennsylvania family of inheritance which had influence, under that administration.

I have a consideration, in his favor, additional to that of his merits, which is that he has [?] relatives in England, persons of positions of influence, deeply interested in his welfare, & who received me most kindly in my late [?] to England on behalf of the County, & did all they could in furtherance of my object. I do earnestly hope something may be done for him.

Yours affectionately,

Charles P. McIlvane

I beg to refer the Collector to my brother in N.Y. B. R. McIlvaine Esq. I have 187. Second Avenue Office, N. Y. Sugar [?] [Av.] well [?] for all information as to Mr. [?].

Letter to Salmon P. Chase



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