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At the end of the first division passed across West street, the second division which had formed on The second division as led by Daniel Grosscup, who acted as marshal and the Seventh Regiment band. South West street swung in behind the first division. This division was composed entirely of labor organizations, whcih marched in the following order: Boiler Makers Union. R. B. C. of A. R. R. Clerks Union. Barbers Union, Structural Iron Workers Union. I. F. of M. Flint Glass Workers Union. G. B. B. A. Union, Typographical Union, Musicians Union, Iron Molders Union, Carpenters Union, Plumbers, A. W. Glass Workers Union. Blacksmiths Union. Many of the organizations were representated by beautiful floats which added to the picturesqueness of the day.


The Democratic Banner
