
Philander Chase



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Chase's daughter is born. His wife was very sick throughout the pregnancy and delivery, but she was revived. He thanks the goodness of God.




Mary Chase; family; Dr. Upson


Worthington April 25th, 1818

My dear Son Philander,

You have a Sister and your Mother lives! - Yesterday the twenty fourth day of April - a day and month already rendered memorable - by your own nativity and your little Sister, was born. O - that you will join your Father in offering this our Blessed Saviour the T’bute of a grateful heart to the Author of all Goodness, I have no doubt. Never had I such affectious reasons for thanks to Him who pitieth our frailties and crowneth us with mercies as at the present. A [?] of distress and anguish is behind us; and all before us seems like the gilded objects thro’ a prism surrounded with the mingled rays of joy hope and felicity. Great and Holy God I thank thee.

For nearly three month past as signified in my former letters to you, your dear mother has suffered every thing but Death.

Worn out with a fever [terminating] in an alarming quick Consumption your Mother agitated us with alternate hope and hope and fear - till the hour of her trial arrived. - God however in his infinite goodness supported her. About a fortnight or three weeks before her labour commenced there seemed a divine hand working in her favour. Her cough in some hopeful measure subsided, and her frame gained strength. This was necessary or what I now write could never have taken place. With her babe she would, long before this, have been in one grace.

But tho’ God helped her yet his afflicted hand was still upon her. When her labours began they were long and alarming - Her reason for the most part left her and we were in the deepest Gloom. After the birth of the Child Convulsions and a syncope succeeded from which nothing seemed able to restore her. The Pulse for a long period ceased to beat, the breath scarcely was attained and the soul to appearance was leaving its earthly tenement.

The Attendants gave her up for lost to this world and began words of condolence to me. This continued from a little after nine in the morning till nearly sundown - God in his kind providence however had ordered better things than were apprehended for me and for you. Assisted by the ingenious advice of a young Physician whom we had called in for advice - [?]ing the unavoidable absence of Dr. Upson, I continued every exertion for your dear Mother - held her head in my arms and administered every [reviving] cordial: till the pulse began to beat and life to return. - Her first whispers were those reason and gratitude to God and kindness to all about her. Such however was her de[?] and such the danger of losing by premature exertion what we had gained, that she was not removed from her place of distress not put to bed till this morning about eight o’clock. When this was done she fell into natural slumbers of repose from one of which she woke a little time since and asked for for the first time for her Babe. It was given her and Mother and Daughter are now sleeping together. What a contrast this to the distressful scene this which we’ve passed! Dear dear Philander, what thanks do we owe to that In[?] Good Being who has thus with his undeserved mercies blessed me! Never let us forget his loving kindness; but dedicate our lives to his service.

I am called again to the assistance of your dear Mother.

I will write you again on the subject of your affairs - and that soon

May God ever bless you!

Ever your loving


Phil. Chase

Letter to Philander Chase, Jr.



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